March 7

Work for Monday, March 7 (Day 4)

Thank you very much, Mrs. Mc Millan, for coming in and working with the students. They are great and so are you!

Period 1-Edit

Dr Seuss Edit

Period 2-English

Paragraphs- With the writing paper provided, choose one of the following topics to compose a well structured paragraph. For the last month, we have gone over the important elements to remember when writing our paragraphs (topic sentence, concluding sentence, 5W’s, supporting sentences, better transition words, descriptive adjectives, compound sentences, editing for mechanics and grammar). You can use this class and period 6 to get far into making the rough copy of your choice. Lots of good options. Don’t rush.


6th Grade Writing Prompts

  1. What is your greatest talent?  How did you discover it?
  2. Do you think you could go one month without using the Internet?  Why or why not?  What would be the hardest part?
  3. In your opinion, is it important for people to study history?  Why or why not?
  4. Write a letter to your future self.
  5. Have you ever encountered a bully?  What did you say to him or her?
  6. What chores are you responsible for at home?  Do you like doing them?
  7. Why is it important for kids to have chores and responsibilities at home?
  8. What is the best field trip you’ve ever gone on?  What made it so special?

You all have these handouts to help you if necessary!

Period 3-French

We will move on to Sport and Transport words next. When I return, I will go over the ones you are to put on your quickie sheets!

Period 4 and 5

Art with Clemente!

We had such a good time last week with Clemente coming in, we thought we should definitely continue on with his lessons and fabulous ideas! Have fun.

See the source image

Period 6-English

This is a continuation of Period 2 (Paragraph Writing)

See the source image

Period 7-Music

See the source image

Period 8-Social Studies

Students can get into partners and study for their Hard Times test that will be coming up very soon.

Period 9-Social Studies

You may switch over from Period 8 and  quiz each other on the 100 Great Canadians. Our little session to get ready for the Reach for the Top Championships with the other class will be towards the end of March.

Thank you again, Mrs. McMillan. I hope the students enriched your day!

Mr. Clark

See the source image