September 25

This Week

Good morning to all!

Thought I would touch base with you all about this week and how things have been going.

This week

Math-we are finishing up our unit on Place Value with decimals and a slight introduction to factors. We have also addressed some problem solving, mental math, and Mad Minutes involving multiplication and division. We will be having a place value quiz at the end of the week.

Language Arts-we have started the novel, Bridge to Terabithia, have done at least one unit in Language Power and Vocabulary, and are almost done our comprehensive Schonell spelling assessment. Oral presentations have started and are looking promising. Please check on the blog for your date and be prepared.

SS- We are doing our video unit on 1870’s to 1890’s Canadian History. There has been lots of talk about Louis Riel and western settlement. We are also looking at a number of Canadian Landmarks nationwide; even some close to Carberry!

Art-We are currently incorporating Idioms into our Art curriculum. Implied versus Literal meanings.

Health- We looked at the make up of our classroom and are now looking at the 5 step Problem Solving Scenario to solve conflict.

Generally- Hamsters have been going home on the weekend to houses for pet sitting. Thank you.

The Terry Fox Run was last Friday and the kids participated well and created a fabulous bulletin board to support the event.

Patrols have been very dedicated to getting out there before school at 8:30 and staying until 3:45 after school. Check the Carberry Website and the blog if you have misplaced your schedule.

The students are living according to the credo that we get out of the school experience what we put into it. This is a good life lesson.

Please hand in any outstanding inoculation forms that were sent out two weeks ago. There are still a couple out there.

Weather is changing; remember to wear and have appropriate clothes at school.

Keep reading books so you can get on to the Pizza Board Reading Chart. Our first pizza arrives at Christmas.

Thank you for all your support,

Mr. Clark

September 11

Tuesday Musings!

Hello all!

Just thought I would touch base with you about general this and that.

  1. Hamster permission forms for week-end sleepovers went home today with the students. Read for your information.
  2. Grade 6 is an inoculation year for the students. Forms went home with the students and need to be brought back signed whether or not you are utilizing the school for this opportunity. Thanks.
  3. Thursday, September 13th is Picture Day.
  4. Homework- Math-page 4(Wed.), Language Power-page 2(Wed.), and Vocabulary-Word List #2B(Fri.)
  5. Patrols have been doing a great job and two copies of the schedule have been sent home. It has also been in a post and is in a page down the right hand column of our blog.
  6. The canteen is now open for lunch time enjoyment and sustenance.
  7. Oral presentation dates have been established and are on a page down the right column of our blog. The theme is “All About Me!” If parents know of any conflicts with dates for the oral presentations, please get in touch, and I will certainly make a switch.

Thank you,

Mr. Bob Clark

September 7

Made It to Friday!

Students had a great start to the first week of grade 6. Well done, all of you! I will post patrol schedule on the blog and give out schedules next week. Picture Day is Thursday, September 13th.


Vocabulary: Word List #1-all 4 sections for Tuesday.

Language Power: Page 2(Homonyms)- Wednesday.

Math: Place Value(Expanded Form)- Page 1-Monday.


Have a great weekend!

Mr. Clark



September 6

Good Start

Day 1 was very productive in 6BC. We are getting to know each other and establishing a classroom atmosphere which is open to learning and being comfortable.

I did assign the remainder of a math worksheet that should be done for today. Also, a number of sheets were sent home. Particularly, the Personal Information form needs to be signed and brought back including changes to any information and the Student Pictures form was given out as a reminder and a chance to pick out packages. Picture Day is Thursday, September 13th.

I will try to post another blog entry or two this week just to keep parents aware of anything and everything! lol

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Clark

September 4

The New Year!

I am not sure whether any parents are on the site yet, but I am sure that that will change knowing how much we do on here. I am very enthusiastic about what lays ahead and hope that the students are as well. Communication is very important and the blog is an excellent way to keep all parents, guardians, and students aware of what is going on, what is coming up, and what might be concerning them. Please feel free to use the blog as much as you like to make this year a little more bearable and enjoyable.

Yours respectfully,

Mr. Robert Clark