November 4

Terabithia Story Summary Assignment

As we all know, the class has been reading the story, “The Bridge to Terabithia”, for the last little while. As we get farther and farther along, we will be trying to summary the story, chapter by chapter. Picking out the highlights of each chapter will be essential in doing the follow up assignment on our individual blogs. Please do this on a Page, entitled “Bridge to Terabithia Assignment”, and not a Post! The lay out and things to include will be on this page shortly to assist each student in completing the blog summary for the book, The Bridge to Terabithia. This will be a fairly comprehensive assignment, and students will be given ample computer time to complete the task. It is worth noting that by doing it on the blog, students are welcome to work on these projects at home on their own time as well.

Lay-out and Things to Include:


  • Title of the Book and Picture of Cover
  • Table of Contents (13 chapter headings, page numbers)

Every Chapter Must Have…

  • Headings-match table on contents
  • Sub-Headings-match the table of contents
  • Informational Text
  • Photos with Captions
  • Bold Words
  • FYI
  • Page Numbers

Must Include Somewhere…

  • Timeline of Plot Activities
  •  Activity for Student Self Reflection


  • Glossary-all bold words included in the book
  • Sources Page-information used to put project together including pictures and text


Example to Get Started

Image result for bridge to terabithia book cover pics

Table of Contents:

  1. Chapter 1- Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr. (page 2)
  2. …………
  3. Chapter 3 – The Fastest Kid in the Fifth Grade
  4. …………
  5.  Chapter 5- The Giant Killers

Include all the chapters of the book in this table of contents..





page 1


Chapter 1- Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr.

Image result for Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr. Main Character in the story, Bridge to Terabithia

Image result for artist symbolsFarming ClipartFriendship HandsImage result for family symbolsKingdom Power

Jesse is a young boy trying to deal with his home life, school and friends! He loves to run and wants to be the fastest kid at school.

page 2

Chapter 2- Leslie Burke

Leslie is the new kid in town that has a hard time fitting in. She lives beside Jesse’s family in the old house next door. She rides on the same bus to school as May Belle and Jesse. Jesse wants nothing to do with her.


Leslie swinging from the creek rope

Leslie meeting her new class. She is nervous

page 3


Chapter 3-The Fastest Kid in the School

Image result for Bridge to Terabithia AnnaSophia Robb Pics  

page 4

(continue with this same format for the next 10 chapters)


Time Line of Major Events in the Story

  1. Jesse runs in the field while Bessie stands nearby.
  2. New family moves in to the farm next door.
  3. ……………………………………………

List at least 10 things that happened in the story in chronological (time) order.


Activity for Self Reflection

In our unit, we also had a chance to watch the movie after reading the book as a class. Below, please write, in full sentences, 7 similarities between the book and movie, and 7 differences between the book and movie.


continue to 7



continue to 7



Glossary (alphabetical order)–will find in red bold print in the story outline.


  1. Bridge to Terabithia- An imaginary kingdom made up by Jesse and Leslie
  2.  May Belle- Jesse’s precocious little sister.




Source Page: (any pictures or text that needs to be credited to someone or somewhere else)


Timeline Example

  1. Jess is training to be the fastest runner in the fifth grade, but he’s also pretty lonely and doesn’t have friends.
    2) His new neighbor, Leslie, wants to be friends, but he’s not interested because she’s a girl.
    3) At school, though, he stands up for her when she wants to run in the big race, too. But then she surprises him by whipping them all.
    4) Even though he gives up his dream of being the fastest runner, he’s excited to start becoming friends with Leslie.
    Together, they envision the magical world of Terabithia, which you get to by swinging on a rope over a creek.
    5) Leslie helps Jess think of a creative way to get back at Janice who’s bullying his little sister.
    6) He’s worried about what to get Leslie for Christmas, but then is able to give her a puppy.
    7) He and Leslie have a fight when he feels left out when she’s off helping her dad fix up their house, but it’s all resolved when he gets to help too.
    8) The tables are turned when Jess gives Leslie advice on comforting Janice, when the former bully needs their help.
    9) Bad rainstorms keep Jess and Leslie from going to Terabithia.
    10) At Easter, Leslie goes to church with Jess’s family and pushes Jess to question his faith for the first time.
    11) Jess thinks the rain’s too dangerous for going to Terabithia after that, but forgets when the music teacher invites him to go to a museum in DC for the day.
    12) He goes and has a fabulous time, but when he gets home he learns that Leslie went to Terabithia without him and died.
    13) Jess is grief-stricken and can’t believe it. He mourns.
    14) When he tries to go back to Terabithia, May Belle follows him and almost dies in the creek too. He saves her and realizes what Leslie taught him.
    15) He builds a bridge to Terabithia, so he and May Belle can access it safely and keep its magic alive.