Work for Thursday, November 24 (Day 4)
Last day of the week! Parent conferences are going well. Hopefully I will have chatted with all of you by noon on Friday. With the French Mansion project due today, I decided to allow the students to study their science reviews over the long weekend and have the test on Monday. Remember to take them home please!
Notes to consider:
- Students have been working on Demos and projects start next week.
- Reviewing your Space Review for your test Monday.
- Working on Landmarks Project in SS.
- French Manor Projects are going well.
Period 1-Edit Quiz
- Uchida
- Kennedy
- Sesame Street
Period 2-Spelling
Chapter 2- Finish Observing Patterns and Discovering Patterns.
Period 3-French
By the end of this class, each group should have a list of the items and names on their blueprint both in French and in English. Final coloring and presenting them will take place early next week.
Period 4-Math
Mad Minute with Mr. Clark
Computer-Math Frog. We will do Improper to Mixed Number game and the opposite.
Period 5-Social Studies
We will be going on to the Landmarks’ project.
Period 6 and 7-Music
Period 8 and 9-Social Studies
Have a good night!
Mr. Clark