Work for Tuesday, November 30 (Day 1)
The start of demonstrations..…I can’t wait!
Museum Trip Invite Right below!
Period 1-Edit
Period 2-Spelling
Finish Observing and Discovering Patterns. Should get a chance to correct up the “Observing” part in class.
Period 3-Math
We will correct up all our Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions and back questions.
Period 4-Demonstration #1
Jordyn’s Demonstration.
Period 5-Last Class of French Mansion projects.
Take it home if you are not done. Due tomorrow!
Period 6-Demonstration #2
Eoin’s Demonstration
Period 7-Music
Period 8-Health
We will use this time to study for your SS-Great Transformations Test that is tomorrow.
Period 9-Phys. Ed.
A complete day of just about anything you can imagine!
Mr. Clark
Work for Monday, November 29 (Day 6)
The days assigned for Demonstration presentations are up on the blog on the right hand side page section. Good luck to all. It should be very interesting in what you can teach us.
Link to Invite Right to sign up for Aviation Museum Field Trip on Wednesday.
Period 1-Edit
Period 2-Science
Study for you test in Period 4
Period 3-Art
Students can finish up coloring their French Mansion blueprints. Such good ideas. Remember that you must have at least 40 items, in French, as part of your scene.
Period 4-Math
Do your Solar System test. Hope it all goes well.
We are going to review our Improper to Improper Fraction conversion and then back again if there is time after the test.. We might have time to correct at least the first section.
Period 5-Phys. Ed.
Period 6-English (Computer)
Work on demos. Jordan and Eoin are presenting tomorrow!
Period 7- Health
Healthy Snacking discussion and poster.
Period 8-Social Studies
Study for Great Transformations test on Wednesday.
Period 9-Library
Good day!
Mr. Clark
Trip to Brandon Aviation Museum
It is a little short notice, but we are hoping to take the Grade 6 students to the Aviation Museum at the Brandon Airport on Wednesday, Dec. 1st. I will spend more time going over this with the students on Monday. Parents have to do the Invite Right consent form to have them go. It is on the Carberry Collegiate webpage on the left-hand side towards the bottom entitled “Invite Right” Inside you will see the “Grade 6 Museum Trip” link. I have also included a link below! It is $5.00 for the bus, and the students could bring $5-10 for an ice cream treat on the way back. More info is on the Invite Right form.
Feel free to get in touch for any clarification.
Mr. Clark
Work for Thursday, November 24 (Day 4)
Last day of the week! Parent conferences are going well. Hopefully I will have chatted with all of you by noon on Friday. With the French Mansion project due today, I decided to allow the students to study their science reviews over the long weekend and have the test on Monday. Remember to take them home please!
Notes to consider:
- Students have been working on Demos and projects start next week.
- Reviewing your Space Review for your test Monday.
- Working on Landmarks Project in SS.
- French Manor Projects are going well.
Period 1-Edit Quiz
- Uchida
- Kennedy
- Sesame Street
Period 2-Spelling
Chapter 2- Finish Observing Patterns and Discovering Patterns.
Period 3-French
By the end of this class, each group should have a list of the items and names on their blueprint both in French and in English. Final coloring and presenting them will take place early next week.
Period 4-Math
Mad Minute with Mr. Clark
Computer-Math Frog. We will do Improper to Mixed Number game and the opposite.
Period 5-Social Studies
We will be going on to the Landmarks’ project.
Period 6 and 7-Music
Period 8 and 9-Social Studies
Have a good night!
Mr. Clark
Work for Wednesday, November 24 (Day 3)
We welcome a new student to our class today…..Laine Ryan. Thank you for joining our class.
Book Fair is on today!
Period 1-Edit
Period 2-Music (This has been changed to French Poster session)
Period 3-Math
- Mad Minute
2. We will work on our Adding of Fractions hand-out.
Period 4-Science
Review for Space test.
Period 5-English (Computer)
Landmarks or Demos.
Period 6- Book Fair in the Library
Period 7-Math
Improper and Mixed Numbers
Period 8-Language Power
Finish correcting connotation and denotation of words (implied meaning) of certain words. eg. slim vs. skinny.
Period 9-Phys. Ed.
Good effort during the day!
Mr. Clark
Work for Tuesday, November 23 (Day 2)
A reminder that our science test is on Thursday. All students have been given the review, it is on this post again, and they have been studying the info in class after a good general review.
Period 1-Edit
Period 2-Vocabulary
We will finish the Crossword Puzzle. You will get the entire class to do this, so you should have it all done for next class.
Period 3-French
- We will work on the “Mansion”(Manoir) project that we will be doing in French class. The basic draft is due on Thursday.
Period 4-Math
- Mad Minute
- Correct up the addition of fractions with unlike denominators.
Period 5-SS (Computers)
100 Great Canadian Landmarks Blog Project (Individual). We will do our best to get to the end of #20 today.
Period 6-English (Oral Presentation-Demos)
Time to work on their projects. Presentation dates will be posted very soon!
Period 7-Music
Period 8-Social Studies
We are getting close to the end of the video research on “The Great Transformation”.
#2-The Great Transformation Test Material(Questions)
Period 9-Library
Good on you!
Mr. Clark
Work for Monday, November 22 (Day 1)
Report Cards come out online today. I have been phoning and texting parents to come up with appointment times for our interviews Wednesday-Friday. I will keep trying with those I have not received responses from yet. Please feel free to get in touch with the school or directly with me.(2047245734)
Period 1-Edit
Period 2-Spelling
- We will be doing our Pre-Test for Chapter 3
- We are moving on the first two sections of work. Get as much done as you can. There will be homework assigned next Spelling class.
Period 3-Math
We will be finishing up our 2-digit divisor math and start working on adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators.
Period 4-Science
We will go over the Vocabulary Section for our Space Review that we did on Thursday. Make sure you have all of these filled in by the end of the session.
Period 5-Science
We will finish up the rest of the Space Review and then quiz with a partner.
Period 6- Math
1) Mad Minute activities
2) We will continue the work from Period 3. It will be good to grasp these Fraction ideas before we go on to Percentages and Ratios.
Period 7-Music
Period 8-Tree of Life (A Healthy Perspective)
- I will give back the last 5-Step Problem Solving quizzes.
2.What is your favorite Inspirational Quote of all time? You are going to research to find one that means a great deal to you, put it on a leaf and then tape it on the Tree of Life.
Period 9-Phys. Ed.
Thanks for everything!
Mr. Clark
Work for Friday, November 19 (Day 6)
This is Mr. Billiaert’s last day. It has been a pleasure having him work with our students. They have really enjoyed all the things he has had to offer and what he has taught them. Good luck in the future!
Mr. Billiaert will be taking the students through their paces today. The students will be very lucky to have him do this I am sure.
Period 1-Edit Quiz
- The Hope Diamond
- Marie Curie
- King Tut’s Tomb
Period 2-Language Power
- Correct up Compound Words and do Connotation after they watched the video about it last class.
Period 3-Art
Students can work on their French Mansion blueprints. Such good ideas already. Remember that you must have at least 40 items, in French, as part of your scene.
Period 4-Math
Mr. Billiaert is going to finish off all of the correcting in your Division booklet. We will have a small quiz based on this material next week at some point.
Period 5-Phys. Ed.
Period 6-English
Ainsleigh will be doing her Oral Presentation. Good luck, girl!
Period 7- Health
First half-study your Problem Solving handout.
Second half-write the Problem Solving material out on a new sheet from memory.
There are only 13 entries. This is a good review of everyday life material.
Period 8 and 9-Police Services Presentation
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Clark
Work for Thursday, November 18 (Day 5)
Period 1-Edits
Period 2-Vocabulary
We will work on, and correct up, the work on Word List 6 (page 26). The Crossword Puzzle would be next!
Period 3-Math
Mr. Billiaert will be finishing up his division unit. We have also practiced a lot of 2-digit divisors!
Period 4 -Science
Review- We will go over our Solar System review for the test coming up soon.
Period 5- Computer
A) Inventions—should be done today or expect to spend some time in at noon hour.
B) Landmarks– we just introduced this yesterday.
Period 6-English
“All About Me” presentations are on this class. Ainsleigh and Brayden L. have been preparing themselves.
Period 7-SS
We are getting very close to finishing up our “Great Transformations” video.
Period 8 and 9-Phys. Ed.
Very awesome day today!
Mr. Clark