November 29



Just a reminder that we are watching the Varsity Boys play in the first game of provincials this morning in the gym. Wear dark or Cougar stuff this morning. We are trying to have a “blackout “ in the gym to help support the team! 👍😀👍

Go Cougars,

Mr. Clark

November 28

Welcome Parents

Just a reminder that Student-Lead Conferences are on tonight and tomorrow. I am really excited about seeing you and having your sons and daughters present some of the highlights of his or her first term to you.

Book fair is also going on in the library tonight. I hear there is homemade cider. Yummy!

Yours respectfully,

Mr. Robert Clark

November 28

Book Fair

Just a reminder that 6BC will get their first viewing of the book fair during their library class tomorrow. They will be able to buy during this time if they find something they like. Should be pretty exciting. Mrs. Clark has put lots of effort in to make it real special.

Mr. Clark