May 31

Forms, Money, and Dates!

Thank you so much to parents for their help in last week’s bake sale. We made $230 for the Red Cross fire efforts in Brandon. The students found unanimously that it was the charity most needing our money.

Secondly, another thank you to parents for getting all the Invite Right information and money($36) finished up early. The rest of the year will be easier for students, parents, and teachers to handle! lol

Thirdly, our Ag Day permission slips were sent home yesterday and must be signed and handed back in asap. We go to Neepawa next Thursday (June 7th).

Lastly, at some point soon, a form will be going home with those students who qualified for Track and Field Divisionals down in Neepawa on Friday, June 8th. It will be $5 for the bus. We will need the money with the signed permission slip returned to the school before the date. For those who are not going to Neepawa on that date, they get to help out with the RJ Waugh tabloid meet scheduled for the same day. Either way, sounds like a great opportunity for a student.

One month to go! Students have been doing very well. Great efforts!

Thanks again,

Mr. Clark