New Patrol Schedule for 2015
Last Week Before Christmas!
Our Chapter 3 Vocabulary Test is on Wednesday of this week. Word Lists 7,8,and 9. Good luck!
Our class has raised a little over $30 so far for Christmas Cheer. Hopefully we can get over $50 on Monday.
It would be wise for students to check their lockers this week and take home extra clothes, food containers, and gymwear to be washed.
Friday is Pizza Book day for those handing in their book reports.Yummy! You will go swimming at the Sportsplex after the lunch. Remember to bring in your $4 and the permission forms early this week if you have not already done so.
Thank you,
Mr. Clark
Swimming and Christmas Cheer
Hi, folks! Just a reminder to all that a permission form and swim classification sheet will be coming home today for parents to sign and return to the school with his or her son or daughter. The swim is $4 and this must be handed in to Mr. Clark as well. Remember 25 cents for a locker at the Sportsplex. The swim is on the last Friday just before the Christmas break.
Secondly, we, as a class, are trying to raise $50 to buy gifts for an under-privileged youth. If each member of our class gives at least a toonie, we should be able to make it. Please have your toonie in by Monday of next week.
Lastly, we will have our third vocabulary test next week(Word Lists 7-9). Keep studying and trying to use the words from your units in context sentences.
Have a great day,
Mr. Clark