Week of May 14-21
1) Vocab.-Homework: page 116-Crossword (Thurs.)
2) Language Power- Homework: end of page 121-Thurs.
3) Math- 4 Two Digits Divisors(Wed.)–Working on 50 Different Division Questions.
4) Health– working on Food and Exercise Assessment
5) Spelling- Chapter 12-Dictionary Skills (Tues.)
6) Art-Look at the Health assignment!
7) Social Studies- We are well into Rebellion and Reform.
8) Time to start working on May book reports. You can run them off from the top of the blog if necessary! Get them in to Tia and Sienna. They have made up the new Pizza Recording Chart.
9) Oral presentations #5 have been scheduled. Each student has picked his or her new date.Make sure to check to see when you go. The last four sessions have been very interesting!
Reminders: Wear proper warm weather clothing.
Check patrolling, recycling, and intramural schedules. These might involve you!
Forms in for Farm Safety, Y Run, and the such.
Forms and Money.
A reminder for parents and students. A couple of dates, forms, and money matters to consider.
1) Farm Safety—–Thursday, May 29 (Neepawa)–forms have been sent home to be returned to the school signed, $3.00 for the bus trip down there, and the chance for parents to volunteer at the event. Some students already have there material in.
2) COPA-flying at Neepawa airport—– Sat.,May 10th— I am sure if you went to Neepawa for the meeting you know about the date, but if you are making the bbq donation, your little “flyer” can bring it into the school and I will pass it on.
3) Brandon “Y” Run.—– Sun., May 25th (optional) ——-Some of our class showed interest in participating in the Run. I gave out forms to go home. If anyone is interested, bring these in with the money and I will sign us up! Money in by Friday, May 9th, please!
There will be more dates to come. I will get them and the forms out for these as quick as possible.
Mr. Clark